The Blog

Uploading documents into SharePoint with custom metadata

Posted 01 March 2025

We recently had a requirement to bulk upload over ten thousand items into some SharePoint Document Libraries, and populate a number of custom fields, using a Service Principal rather than delegated auth as a user, configured with the lowest privilege levels we could get away with.

Controlling deployments into XM Cloud and Vercel

Posted 27 March 2024

I recently had to put together an Azure DevOps Pipeline to manage deployments of a new Sitecore XM Cloud project with Vercel hosted front-end. Much of the quick start documentation for both XM Cloud and Vercel basically say "Connect to your source control (ideally GitHub) and you're good to go". Clearly great for standing something up quickly but misses a number of important steps:

The Gallery

Heavy Metal over the Lakes at Sunset

Heavy Metal over the Lakes at Sunset

From the album Screenshots.

Tagged: Computer graphics, Screenshots, X-Plane
Heat haze on the tarmac

Heat haze on the tarmac

From the album Screenshots.

Tagged: Computer graphics, Screenshots, X-Plane
Caroline and Andy cross-country skiing

Caroline and Andy cross-country skiing

From the album Our Wedding.

Tagged: Ben, Snow, Holidays, Skiing, Honeymoon, Canada