We're alive!

Posted 20 December 2006, 11:07 | by | Perma-link

Hooray! We've finally upgraded the last of our sites to ASP.Net 2.0, and all the goodness that entails - Generics, Membership Providers, Master Pages, the works.

I have to say, while the profile provider out of the box is a little rubbish - the entire profile is stored as a delimited field in one column of the database - the rest of it's wonderful. Only thing that confused me for a little while was the application names - if you change the name in the membership provider, don't forget to change it for all the other providers (roles, profiles, etc). No real point in logging-in/registering at the moment, I've not wired anything up to use it yet.

Apologies to those of you that already subscribed to this feed - I think you may have received the last ten items again yesterday, all lumped in as published yesterday (or whenever you updated the feed) - I'd forgotten to set the pubDate element on the items.

Quick notes of appreciation:

  • New hosts - LiquidSix.co.uk currently very efficient, affordable, etc.
  • I'm using the FCKEditor as the main interface for writing this (on top of my own little system for blogging).
  • I'll hold my hand up and admit that the MS Personal Web Site Starter Kit was ripped apart for the albums section.


Filed under: ASP.NET, Site Updates