A Great 3ds Max Resource
Posted 20 January 2012, 22:40 | by Ben Duguid | Perma-link
While I don't do anywhere as much with 3ds Max as I should, I do like to keep learning about it and playing with it every now and again.
One of the most useful resources I've come across in a long time is Jamie Gwilliam's Blog: Jamie's Jewels. Jamie's recently been running a series of "Quick Tips" on his blog which I've found to be incredibly useful, and he also occasionally runs competitions where you can win the odd bit of Autodesk/3ds Max branded or related gear.
His last one was just a call for shots of 3ds Max jewel cases or software boxes, and luckly I had a few very old ones sitting around in the loft, having switched to digital distribution years ago. I only got around to sending a shot of the boxes to the day before the deadline, so was very happy to recieve a very nice iPhone case this week
Anyway, follow @3dsJamiesJewels over on twitter now to find out all sorts of things about this great app.