Deploying Assemblies to the GAC

Posted 15 May 2013, 14:50 | by | Perma-link

Pulling together a couple of helpful posts into one place so that I can find it later...

I wanted to deploy an assembly to the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) on a Windows 2008 server - GacUtil isn't neccessary installed, and I don't really want to install the entire SDK on to the server just to get it.

PowerShell to the rescue!

The first thing I needed to do was enable PowerShell to load .Net 4 assemblies, this was done by adding a config file into the PowerShell home directory (run $pshome from a PowerShell console), with the following contents:

  <startup uselegacyv2runtimeactivationpolicy="true">
    <supportedruntime version="v4.0.30319" />
    <supportedruntime version="v2.0.50727" />

You can then run the following commands to load the 4.0 instance of EnterpriseServices, which will install your libraries into the correct GAC depending on it's target runtime:

$publish = New-Object System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish

Filed under: .Net, Fixes